Trip Planner

Trip Planner


Catch The Bus

Board a Pacific Transit bus at any marked bus stop or shelter. If you are not at a marked bus stop, signal the driver by waving in time for the bus to come to a safe stop. Some form of lighting device; flashlight, reflecting tape, etc. will assist the driver in observing passengers waiting for the bus during darkness or inclement weather.

**We do not stop in downtown Long Beach from 8th South to North 3rd Street for dropping off or picking up passengers.**

To Get Off The Bus

  • Pull the bell cord above the windows.
  • Use rear door to exit (unless you have a bike on the rack)
  • Please remain seated until the bus comes to a complete stop.
  • For your safety, use handrails.


Times are approximate. Due to weather, traffic, construction etc. times may vary. Your patience is appreciated!